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our commitment to the future.

Energy Efficiency

Illuminating the Path to Sustainability

At upleashed, we are dedicated to reducing our carbon footprint, starting with our energy consumption. We've transitioned to LED lighting across our office, offering superior energy efficiency and longer life expectancy. Our commitment extends beyond the light switch. We advocate for a 'switch off' ethos, ensuring all electronic devices and lights are powered down after hours, reducing unnecessary energy use and instilling a culture of consciousness and conservation.

Learn about our efforts 
in Waste Management

Waste Management

Cultivating a Culture of Reduction and Recycling

Waste reduction is at the heart of our environmental strategy. We've embraced a robust recycling program, placing accessible bins throughout our office, ensuring that paper, plastics, and metals are reprocessed, not discarded. Our journey towards a paperless environment is underway, we recognise that we have some way to go, leveraging digital solutions for our documentation needs, thus significantly decreasing our paper consumption and streamlining our operational efficiency.

Discover our approach in 
Sustainable Procurement

Sustainable Procurement

Local Choices for Global Impact

Our procurement policy prioritises sustainability. By selecting office supplies made from recycled materials and partnering with local Isle of Man suppliers, we not only support the circular economy but also reduce transportation emissions. These choices reflect our dedication to environmental stewardship and our support for the local economy, creating a ripple effect of positive change.

We invest in a 
Sustainable Infrastructure

Sustainable Infrastructure

Our Digital Footprint Matters

In the age of digital ubiquity, our choice of web hosting reflects our sustainability ethos. We ensure that our hosting partner aligns with our environmental values, utilising green energy sources for data centres and striving for energy efficiency in their operations. They employ advanced cooling technologies to reduce electricity usage and have committed to regular audits to improve their sustainability metrics continuously.

See how the team at upleashed 
collectively make change together

Engagement and Evolution

Driving Change Together

Engaging our team in our green mission is pivotal. We encourage eco-friendly commutes and work from home (WFH) opportunities. Our 'Green Days' initiative educates and involves our staff in sustainable living.  As we progress, we continuously evaluate our practices, setting ambitious yet achievable targets to ensure we are always moving forward in our sustainability journey.

Want to learn more.  Contact us.

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