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process mapping.

plotting the future success or your organisation is much easier when you have a map!

service availability.

Our process mapping services span the globe. While we offer in-person services primarily in the Isle of Man, UK, and the Channel Islands, we also facilitate remote services for English-speaking territories internationally.

key benefits.

Our services offer a comprehensive view of your business processes. Through collaborative team building, we help to:

discover efficiencies

Process mapping will help your company identify inefficiencies in workflows that are creating delays or excessive expenditures. Bottlenecks, redundancies, and unnecessarily complicated procedures will be immediately identified, opening the way for simpler, more efficient operations.

reduce waste

Our value stream mapping services, a strong lean management tool, can methodically identify and reduce waste in your processes. Overproduction, waiting periods, wasteful transport, unsuitable processing, unnecessary inventory, redundant motion, and errors are instantly visible in the process mapping exercise.

improved process awareness

Our visual maps provide a clear explanation of how your processes work, enabling better understanding among team members. This will improve communication, increase cooperation, and provide your organisation with a consistent view of each process.

proactive risk management

By visualising the end-to-end process, you will obtain a visual insight for identifying possible risks and areas of failure. This will enable proactive risk mitigation strategy planning to ensure your organisation continues functioning smoothly.

promote standardisation

Our simple yet precise process maps will serve as the foundation for your standard operating procedures (SOPs), providing uniformity across all areas of your business. These maps will also be valuable during audits and for proving compliance with industry norms or legislation. Our process maps will help drive standardisation which removes the risk of broad process deviation.

continuous improvement

Our thorough process and value stream maps will serve as a springboard for your continuous improvement projects. You will be able to visualise the ideal future state and map the best path to get there. Changes will have observable effects, allowing you to measure progress and constantly optimise.

ai, robotics & automation

Given our extensive knowledge of IT, we can also indicate areas where AI, robots, and automation might further optimise your business workflow and provide future-proofing process re-engineering.

to support specific initiatives

Process mapping can also be used to support specific initiatives such as the identification and integration so sustainable activities into your business.

Check our what upleashed is doing from a sustainability perspective here.

our approach.

Our unique approach involves on-site engagement, where we use lining paper and post-its to create dynamic, flexible process maps in collaboration with key individuals from your business. This interactive, live mapping process sparks discussions, reveals hidden aspects of the process, and provides immediate visual feedback.

Following the on-site session, these rough process maps are converted into professional diagrams using Microsoft Visio. Visio allows for easy sharing, version control, linking with other Microsoft products, and more, making it an excellent tool for ongoing process management.

our guarantee.

For our Isle of Man clients, we offer an exclusive free 1/2 day mapping session, including a digitised Visio output - a testament to the value our services provide.  Rest assured, all our services come with a money-back guarantee: if you don't see the value, you simply don't pay. It's as straightforward as that.

request a quote.

To discuss your specific needs and receive a customised quote, please complete the form below. Our pricing varies based on the size and complexity of the process, as well as the project duration.

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Why choose upleashed?

Our blend of in-depth expertise, hands-on approach, and commitment to delivering unparalleled value set upleashed apart. But don't just take our word for it - our client feedback speaks for itself:

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