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As a customer of upleashed, you'll gain access to our comprehensive training programme which is designed to equip you with a thorough understanding of the importance of individual and team development within a business context.

The programme consists of eight modules, each covering a different topic related to ongoing skills development. You will learn about the benefits of maintaining a competitive advantage through skill development and enhancing overall team performance.

Our modules cover a range of topics, including the high-level concept of a skills matrix, identifying hard and soft skills necessary for success, developing a capability policy, scoring individuals and teams on the skills matrix, and creating development roadmaps for team members using the skills matrix.

In addition, our training programme provides you with tools and knowledge to continuously improve the skills matrix implementation process. You will learn to review and assess the impact of the skills matrix on key team metrics such as call volumes, waiting times, and customer satisfaction surveys. You will also discover how to recognise high-performing individuals and support team members who require additional development.

Upon completion of our training programme, you will have gained a comprehensive understanding of the skills matrix and its benefits. You will be equipped with the tools and knowledge necessary to effectively implement and utilise the skills matrix within your organisation. This will help improve performance and maintain a competitive advantage. Thank you for choosing upleashed as your training provider.

Modules included within the upleashed training program.

Module One.  The challenge of team capability development for people managers

In this module, you will gain a thorough understanding of the issues surrounding individual and team development within a business context. You will explore the importance of ongoing skills development to maintain a competitive advantage and enhance overall performance. By the end of this module, you will have a comprehensive understanding of how individual and team development plays a critical role in the success of a business and how it can have a positive impact on the bottom line.

Business tools or concepts introduced in this module: SWOT Analysis, SMART Objectives

Module Two. ​ Skills Matrix, Capability Policy & Target Setting Intro

This module introduces the skills matrix, its key components, and how it can be implemented to identify and track skills and capabilities of individuals and teams. 

Business tools or concepts introduced in this module: Skills Matrix Overview

Module Three.  Distinguishing Soft & Hard Skills

In this module we distinguish between soft and hard skills and subsequently assigning team members and their corresponding skills to the Skills Matrix.

Business tools or concepts introduced in this module: Identify personnel from your HRIS, ERP or Org Charts. Identify Skills from Job Analysis, Checklists. Understanding hard vs. soft skills.

Module Four.  Developing and Distributing a Capability Policy

This module introduces the 'Capability Policy', an internal policy which provides clear, objective definitions of each skill level defined on your skills matrix.

Business tools or concepts introduced in this module: Capability Policy

Module Five.  Applying Capability Ratings for Proficiency Baselines in Skills Matrix

In this module, we apply individual capability ratings to each defined skill for every team member in the skills matrix. The purpose of this process is to obtain individual and team proficiency baselines scores.

Business tools or concepts introduced in this module: Skills Matrix ‘current and ‘target’ skills rating. 

Module Six.  Establishing Competency Minimums & Creating Upskill Roadmaps

In this module, we provide guidance on establishing a minimum number of competent team members per each required skill or competency. We also cover how to create customised upskill roadmaps for each team member. Finally, we’ll discuss the importance of understanding when a process was last reviewed and its priority (in terms of developing skill).

Business tools or concepts introduced in this module:
Skills Matrix Target Setting, Key Person Dependencies, Pareto’s Principle 

Module Seven. ​ Skills Matrix & KPIs: Holistic Talent Management Approach

A Skills Matrix is a useful tool for managing and developing talent, but should not be used alone. Prudent managers should use multiple Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for a comprehensive understanding of individual and team performance. Additional KPIs offer a broader perspective to assess the skills matrix's effectiveness. This module introduces four high-level KPIs.

Business tools or concepts introduced in this module: Customer satisfaction (NPS), Employee Satisfaction, Quality of Work, Capacity Planners 

Module Eight. ​ High Performers & Under performers: Situational Leadership, Rewards & Improvement Strategies

This module covers identifying high performers and supporting team members using the skills matrix, tailoring rewards and recognition programs, and providing targeted training for development needs. Gain a clear understanding of recognising and supporting high performers and those needing development.

Business tools or concepts introduced in this module: Situational Leadership, Employee rewards system linked directly to capability improvement targets, Employee of the Month. Performance improvement plans (PIPs). 

You'll gain access to an expanding number of management tools.

Expanding all the time based on real-world management scenarios.

Our award winning skills matrix

SWOT Template

SMART Goal Template

upleashed BIEU1 Accreditation 
& BIEU2 Practitioner

This eight-module training will equip you with crucial skills for success:

Download the full course outline here and begin the journey to enhance your managerial competencies and contribute significantly to your organisation's success.

Download Course outline  Register now

2023/24 BIEU1 BIEU2

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