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upskill to unleash true team performance

upleashed is an online training program that provides aspiring managers with essential tools and methodologies to identify and enhance skills development within their teams.

the problem we'll help you solve

supercharge your team right now by signing up

training structured around you.

Industry Leading Training Portal accessible 24/7

Gain access to an industry leading training platform

  • 100% Online
  • 8 Mini-Modules
  • 1 Final MC Exam
  • Accreditation & Practitioner Certification
  • Backed by the CMA
  • Available 24/7

You'll gain deep knowledge of the skills matrix as an effective 'management tool' and learn how to utilise it to its full potential, unlocking staff capability, increasing employee engagment and improving team motivation.

Progress through eight, self-paced training modules.

Each mini-module includes a video tutorial and accompanying multiple choice questions to test your knowledge.

We'll introduce you to common business tools and concepts, such as:

- Capability Policy
- Pareto's Principle
- Capacity Planners
- Team Metrics
- PIPs, and more...

Everything you'll need to upskill your team!

Zero Stress Examinations

Multiple Choice (MC) questionnaires are available at the end of each sub module.  You can repeat these as many times as you like.  For your final exam you'll be presented with 30 Multiple choice questions and will have 45 minutes to complete the exam - you need to achieve 65% to pass.  You can resit the exam at no additional cost.

The modules will be updated periodically with the option to re-certify at any stage.

 Register now

Why do we exist?

the skills matrix.

Sample Headline

Completing the skills matrix for your team will 'evidence' your understanding of the concept introduced across the eight modules.  You'll understand how it should be used to upskill your team in order to unleash true team performance.

Building on the concept of the Skills Matrix first seen in the Toyota Production System (TPS) we've designed a solution in partnership with over 10,000 global, cross-sector organisations.   The original 'harvey balls' visual matrix went some way to identifying skill level; this is how we've improved the solution by making it more 'visually informative' and broadening the skill level definitions to help remove subjectiveness: 

The improved 'upleashed' approach.
The upleashed skills matrix enables real-time skills visibility.

The traditional (old) paper approach
this can be out of date as soon as you've completed it! 


The chart on the left evidences skills based on a quadrant completion (know as harvey balls), where the whole represents full competency.  The upleased model is based on a scoring mechanism of 0=No Skill Required, 1=No Competence, 2=Some Competence, 3=Fully Competent and finally 4=Subject Matter Expert.  Learn more about the upleashed capability policy.

The key is to visually identify at speed the areas of strength and weakness within the team in the context skills development.  The true acid test of using a skills matrix will always be 'how' you identify and then improve competency.

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What is a skills matrix?

a heat-map of skill and a training plan all in one visually impactful management report.

This is what makes the skills matrix so powerful.  A visually impactful management report that you can interpret within 5 seconds from 5 feet! 

An upleashed membership unlocks access to our industry-leading Skills Matrix solution, a dynamic tool designed to address your team's skillset needs and project requirements. This comprehensive solution offers a multitude of features to optimize your talent management and development strategy:

Team members name and role

Capability policy

Set current and future skills capability level, create a clear development roadmap.

Skill description

Proficiency tracking

Record the current skill level of each team member and establish future upskilling goals.

Prioritisation of skill development

Strategically allocate resources by setting the precedence of skills development based on project needs and long-term growth.

Skill/Process review timeline

Maintain the quality and relevance of your skills repertoire by noting when each skill or process was last reviewed.

Analytical insights

Leverage a broad range of analytics for in-depth understanding and monitoring of skills capability development.

Individual capability scoring

Review an aggregated Capability Score for each team member, per skill or process, to identify areas of strength and needed development.

Capability gap reporting

Swiftly identify and address any potential skill deficits with clear, actionable reports.

Experience the future of talent management and skill development with Upleashed's Skills Matrix solution - your team's growth and success are at your fingertips.

 Register now

What do the numbers mean?

measuring capability on your skills matrix.

Here's how do we measure capability and set clear upskill targets whilst removing subjectiveness.  A number and colour is assigned by skill level to provide a visual representation of capability.

Our online training program will delve into the process of formulating a lucid and unambiguous capability policy that is tailored to the unique requirements of your team and industry/sector.

Capabilities and responsibilities develop over time

Rating 0 1 2 3 4 5
Title No skill required or desired In training / Trainee Developing Capabilities Capable Subject Matter Expert / Trainer Strategic Ownership / Leadership
Detailed Description No expectation that the individual or role requires the specific skill(s) within the next year (take a longer-term view when assessing skills requirment and do not use this measure for short-term assessments). Expectation to be proficient within a year. Completed up to 75% of training. The individual does not fully understand the quality requirements. Completed more than 75% of training. Is likely to be able to perform the task alone, although consistent quality and productivity requirements not yet evidenced. Complex output will require checking / verification. Has completed 100% of the training. Has demonstrated consistent quality and productivity standards. Where not mandated by regulation, checks can now be omitted, releasing capacity back into the business. Has prolonged experience at a consistent quality and productivity level. This individual is motivated, works autonomously abd us ready to accept responsibility for skill ownership and training. Is likely to be able to train others to a high standard. If the specific skill has not been completed in last 3 months then the 'skill level' should drop back to Level 3 for the individual to reconfirm competence standards. Can define and develop new processes & skills requirements. Can demonstrate cross-function subject matter expertise. Can demonstrate leadership capabilities.
Weighting To promote rating fairness, Zero will remove the skill assessment for the individual. 25% 50% 75% 100% 100% (same score as 4 - colour indicates capability variance)

New processes, changes in existing procedures, fresh rules, or lack of practice can temporarily lower an individual's performance ability.

 Register now

upleashed BIEU1 Accreditation & BIEU2 Practitioner.

This eight-module training will equip you with crucial skills for success:

Download the full course outline here and begin the journey to enhance your managerial competencies and contribute significantly to your organisation's success.

Download Course outline  Register now

2023/24 BIEU1 BIEU2

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