22q11 Micro Deletion Syndrome

We must all take action now to support those living with 22q11 Deletion Syndrome. Let's make a difference for our children and future generations. Donate to Max Appeal."

Image.  Arthur Martin-Smith from the Isle of Man.   Diagnosed with 22q11 Micro Deletion Syndrome in 2021


Upholding our responsibility: Joining forces with the MaxAppeal

Unleashing potential, nurturing hope

As part of our pledge towards corporate social responsibility at upleashed, we believe in going beyond the confines of our online training platform to make a difference. We understand the importance of giving back to the community, particularly to those who require specific support and assistance. We are therefore delighted to declare our partnership with Max Appeal, a charity committed to supporting individuals and families affected by DiGeorge Syndrome, also known as 22q11.

Learn more and donate - visit Max Appeal

About the MaxAppeal

The MaxAppeal, a registered charity in England and Wales (no 1088432) and Scotland (SC051380), provides solace, understanding, and support to those living with 22q11. This condition, a disorder stemming from the deletion of a small segment of chromosome 22, can present a wide range of health challenges and developmental complications.

This charity provides much-needed help through raising awareness, advocating for enhanced medical care, and fostering a supportive community for those affected by this condition and their families. Their mission deeply resonates with us, making our decision to offer our support a natural extension of our own ethos.

Learn more and donate - visit Max Appeal

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Why it's crucial!

22q11 can lead to a myriad of medical issues severely impacting an individual's quality of life. From heart conditions, learning difficulties, speech delays, feeding problems, mental health challenges and beyond, those diagnosed with this syndrome require specialised care and resources. Despite this, awareness about this syndrome remains relatively low, leading to delays in diagnosis and hurdles in receiving adequate healthcare.

By backing Max Appeal, we aim to bolster their work in addressing these challenges and creating an environment where everyone affected by 22q11 can lead a fulfilling life.

Learn more and donate - visit Max Appeal

upleashed & the MaxAppeal: A personal connection

Our dedication to Max Appeal goes beyond a simple pledge; it's personal. One of the founders of upleashed has a son diagnosed with 22q11. Witnessing the trials and resilience associated with this condition has solidified our determination to contribute positively.

We believe that fostering talent and potential extends beyond a professional setting—it encompasses creating a world where everyone has the opportunity to realise their full potential. This deeply personal connection underpins our commitment to support those in need and drives our partnership with Max Appeal.

Image.  Arthur Martin-Smith from the Isle of Man.   Diagnosed with 22q11 Micro Deletion Syndrome 2021

Learn more and donate - visit Max Appeal

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Our promise

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From this day forward, we are proud to commit to donating 3% of our net profits to Max Appeal. This monetary support will assist Max Appeal in continuing to offer critical resources to individuals affected by DiGeorge Syndrome / 22q11 and their families.

Every time you opt for upleashed for your online training and development, you are not just investing in the growth of your team. You are also supporting a cause that profoundly impacts the lives of those living with 22q11.

We invite you to join us on this journey. Together, we can make an impact, unleash true potential, and nurture hope, one training session at a time.

Learn more and donate - visit Max Appeal

Over £2,000 Donated in 2024 so far...

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But we need your help!  Please! 🙏

At upleashed, we are committed to making a positive impact in our community. In 2024, we have proudly donated over £2000 to worthy causes. Some of our latest donations include: 

The Max Appeal

Max Appeal is dedicated to supporting individuals and families affected by 22q11.2 deletion syndrome, offering resources, advocacy, and community connections. Please donate here: https://www.maxappeal.org.uk/donate

This donation is a testament to upleashed.com's commitment to fostering community growth and empowerment, as they extend their support to individuals and families affected by 22q11.2DSdeletion syndrome. - THE MAX APPEAL
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St John's Flamingos Special Provision Centre

St John's Flamingos Special Provision Centre provides essential educational and developmental support for children with special needs, ensuring they receive the care and opportunities they deserve.

Upleashed's generous donation has significantly enhanced our ability to provide specialised resources and support for our children, making a lasting impact on their education and development.. - St John's Flamingos Special Provision Centre
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