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Our aim is to empower aspiring managers with online training that enhances team performance. We offer tools to tackle team development challenges, promote continuous skills growth, and foster effective performance strategies for high-functioning, dynamic teams.

upleashed training program.

The upleashed training program offers a comprehensive package that equips aspiring managers with the essential tools and methodologies to identify and enhance skills development within their teams. Our program provides unparalleled value, combining high-quality training, management tools, and accreditation. The cost for this all-inclusive package is only £199 per year.

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what's included?

  1. Training: Gain access to our extensive online training modules that cover a wide range of topics essential for effective team management and skills development.
  2. Management Tools: Utilise a suite of powerful management tools, including the Skills Matrix, SWOT analysis, SMART objectives, and Key Performance Indicators, to drive your team's performance and growth.
  3. Accreditation: Achieve accreditation status upon completing the program, validating your expertise in talent management and skills development.
 Register now

Yearly renewal: Embrace the opportunity to elevate your skills annually

To maintain your accreditation status and continue accessing the growing pool of management tools, you will need to renew your subscription on a yearly basis. The cost remains £199 per year, offering exceptional ongoing value and support for your professional development journey.

unlimited colleague invitations.

As part of your subscription, you have the ability to invite an unlimited number of colleagues from within your organisation to join upleashed. By expanding access to this powerful training and management platform, you can drive significant value for both yourself and your organisation.

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Proven results backed by the Chartered Management Academy

upleashed is not just another training program; it is backed by the esteemed Chartered Management Academy, renowned for its rigorous research and industry expertise. Extensive studies have consistently demonstrated the significant benefits that organisations experience when they invest in effective talent management and skills development:

With upleashed, you gain access to a program that is not only proven but also endorsed by the esteemed Chartered Management Academy, ensuring that your investment in your professional development yields tangible and impactful results.

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join upleashed today

Take the first step towards becoming an exceptional manager and driving the success of your team. Join upleashed today for only £199 per year and unlock a world of knowledge, tools, and accreditation that will transform your approach to talent management and skills development.


/ per year

Approx EUR 229, USD 249

 Register now

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