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about us.

upleashed was founded with a distinct purpose: to provide team leaders and people managers with the essential management training and tools necessary to identify skills gaps and enhance individual and team capability. Our commitment to making training accessible and affordable to all is a crucial component of our mission.

Our aim is simple, we help you upskill to unleash true team performance.

our mission.

"Our mission is to equip aspiring managers with the knowledge and tools they need to effectively develop their team's capabilities. Through our comprehensive eight-module training course, we guide managers on how to identify skill gaps, establish team capabilities, and create personalised upskill roadmaps. By employing practical management tools such as a skills matrix, we aim to transform the complexities of talent development into a streamlined, measurable process, ultimately driving high performance and fostering business success."

Alex Martin-Smith

Founder, upleashed

our roadmap.  2022 - 2025

= Our Past

= Our Future

During the research phase, extensive efforts were made to gain insights into the challenges faced by professionals in their teams. A total of 100,000 professionals were interviewed through surveys, focus groups, and ex gratia solutions, to obtain a diverse range of perspectives.The specific aim of this research was to identify a problem statement related to team capability. Through the research process, the team was able to gain a comprehensive understanding of the key issues that were affecting team productivity and success.In addition to the interviews, a detailed competitor analysis was conducted to establish gaps in professional solutions. This analysis helped to identify the strengths and weaknesses of existing solutions, and provided insights into areas where the team could potentially innovate.Based on the findings from the research and competitor analysis, an MVP was identified. This MVP was designed to address the most pressing needs of the target audience, while still being feasible to develop within a reasonable timeframe and budget.A plan was then constructed to move into the development phase, with a focus on creating a solution that would provide significant value to professionals and their teams. The research phase laid the foundation for a successful product ​development process, ensuring that the team had a deep understanding of the market and its needs.

LV1. Inclusive of LMS, signed-off modules 1-8 BIEU1. Approved accreditation and practitioner certification. Student Files. V1 Matrix. Company Invite functionality. Whitelisting. OTP.

Live Solution - Q4 2024

Research Phase 6 Years (2016 to 2022)

Version 2 - <H1 2025

Development Phase 2-3 Years (2020-2023) Alpha, Beta, RC

Currently, version 2 is in the developmental phase with a significant scope. It is expected to be delivered in the first quarter of 2025. The training modules have been updated to reflect the changes in the industry from 2023 to 2025. Additionally, a beta version of our cloud-based, AI-driven skills matrix with multi-team support has been developed.

Planning, Design, Developme​nt (multi-phase), Testing (multi-phase), Alpha, Beta, RC, Feedback loop. Final Testing.

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