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Transform your IT talent with the upleashed Skills Matrix

Empower your IT teams with strategic skills development and management

Why a Skills Matrix is essential for the IT sector

A skills matrix is not just a tool; it's a strategic asset. It offers a clear visual representation of the competencies within your team, highlighting both strengths and areas needing development. As technologies evolve and project demands shift, a skills matrix helps you:


Quickly adapt to new technologies by understanding your team's current skill set and identifying training needs.

Enhance Project Allocation

Assign the right person to the right project based on a precise skills inventory.

Skill Gaps

Proactively address shortages in critical skills, ensuring your team can meet future technological challenges.

Facilitate Career Development

Help your team members grow by aligning their personal development goals with the strategic needs of your department.

In an industry where the only constant is change, a skills matrix ensures your team's capabilities are not just up-to-date but also aligned with the future direction of your organisation.

  Download The Skill Matrix

Benefits of a Skills Matrix in the IT Sector

In the IT sector, where adaptability and precision are key, a skills matrix proves invaluable. This section will delve into how a skills matrix specifically benefits IT organisations, streamlining project management and skill development, and fostering a culture of proactive growth and innovation.

Optimised Skill Allocation

Tailors team assignments to individual strengths, ensuring projects are staffed with the most qualified personnel.

Focused Training and Development

Highlights areas where upskilling is needed, allowing for targeted training investments.

Enhanced Team Collaboration

By understanding each member's skills, teams can collaborate more effectively, leveraging diverse strengths.

Efficient Hiring and Recruitment

Provides a clear framework for the skills needed in new hires, streamlining the recruitment process.

Proactive Technology Adoption

Identifies skill gaps related to emerging technologies, fostering a culture of continuous learning and innovation.

Improved Project Outcomes

Ensures projects are executed with the right mix of skills, improving quality and efficiency.

In the IT sector, where technology and project requirements can change rapidly, a skills matrix is invaluable for maintaining a high-performing, adaptable, and forward-thinking team.

  Download The Skill Matrix

Mastering IT skills development: A visual walkthrough

Unlock the potential of your IT team with our skills matrix - An essential watch.

Understanding Skill Levels

Learn to evaluate skills from trainee to strategic leadership.

Identifying Skill Gaps

Discover how to spot areas needing development for team growth.

Setting Development Targets

Use the matrix to set realistic and strategic skill improvement goals.

Empowering Your IT Future

Harness the full potential of the Skills Matrix to future-proof your IT team, driving innovation and maintaining a competitive edge in the ever-evolving technological landscape.

Evaluating Training Progress

Track the advancement from basic understanding to expert proficiency.

Strategic Skill Planning

Align team skills with future IT project requirements and technologies.

Enhancing Team Performance

Understand how balanced skill development leads to higher efficiency and innovation in IT projects.

  Download The Skill Matrix

Example IT skills to kickstart your skills matrix

Below is a list of some popular IT skills to help you get started. Remember, the skills matrix will be blank, allowing you to customise it according to your specific needs. With over 100 IT skills matrix solutions delivered by upleashed, we have the expertise to assist you further. If you need more tailored guidance, we're here to help.

Example IT Skills
Programming (e.g., Java, Python, C++) Network Administration (Cisco, Juniper Networks) Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Systems
Web Development (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) Blockchain Technology ERP Systems (SAP, Oracle)
Mobile App Development (iOS, Android) Virtualisation Technologies Business Intelligence Tools (Power BI, Tableau)
Database Management (SQL, NoSQL) Quality Assurance and Testing E-Commerce Systems
Cloud Computing (AWS, Azure, Google Cloud) Project Management (Agile, Scrum) API Development
Cybersecurity (Network Security, Ethical Hacking) Systems Administration (Windows, Linux) Information Security Compliance (GDPR, ISO 27001)
DevOps Practices (CI/CD, Containerisation) Internet of Things (IoT) Technical Writing
Machine Learning/AI Big Data Technologies (Hadoop, Spark) Augmented Reality/Virtual Reality Development
Data Analysis (R, Python) IT Service Management (ITIL) Robotic Process Automation (RPA)
UI/UX Design Software Engineering Principles Cloud Architecture and Design

Careful analysis of the required skills from an IT perspective is essential for the successful delivery of your business proposition. Understanding and aligning these skills with your strategic objectives ensures that your team is equipped to meet both current and future challenges effectively. To aid in this crucial task, we've compiled a comprehensive list of the top 100 IT skills in a convenient file. Additionally, for a more tailored skill set, consider reviewing these five key locations: job descriptions in your industry, current technology trend reports, professional IT forums and communities, IT training and certification program outlines, and feedback from IT team performance reviews. These resources can provide invaluable insights into the evolving skill requirements in the IT sector.

  Download The TOP 100 IT SKILLS   Download The Skill Matrix

Not Ready to Download the Advanced Skills Matrix Yet?

Don't worry! We've created a completely free matrix for you to use - no email, no credit card, just good old free of charge. This matrix includes a basic rating system of 1-4 and the ability to add 10 skills/capabilities and 5 employees for your team or project. It's a great way to rapidly visualize your team's capability as a heat map.

Choose your download option.

You won't be asked for any information.  These are completely free Microsoft Excel files that we have created as a proof of concept for our skills matrix.  Enjoy!  Please remember if you like what you see, then please check out the Advanced Skills Matrix here

 ​Download the Demo Team Matrix (shown above)  ​​Download a Blank Version to start fresh

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