Max Mastery the koala mascot, guiding leadership journey with a smile

Your Journey, Your Leadership – How your path has influences your approach to leading others.

Leaders and managers, the paths we take through our careers shape us in profound ways, influencing not just our work but how we lead. 🌟 Whether it was university lectures that broadened your horizons or the hands-on challenges of the workplace that taught you resilience, each experience has left its mark.

Richard Branson once said, “You don’t learn to walk by following rules. You learn by doing, and by falling over.” This rings true for many who find that real-world experiences provide invaluable lessons in adaptability and problem-solving πŸ› οΈ.

Conversely, the structured learning and deep dives into theory offered by university education can arm you with critical thinking skills and a broad knowledge base, essential tools in any leader’s arsenal πŸŽ“.

But how have these experiences shaped your leadership style?

❔ Did starting in the workplace or university influence your approach to leading others? How so?

❔ How do you blend the lessons from your educational and professional journeys in your leadership?

We’re keen to hear from you. Share how your unique journey has influenced your approach to leadership. Let’s open up a conversation on the diverse ways our backgrounds and experiences mould our leadership styles and the development of those we lead.

Celebrate your journey, embrace continuous learning, and let’s discuss how our different paths have sculpted our approaches to leadership. πŸš€

First posted on upleashed’s LinkedIn business page:

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