Upleashed Team Commandments

Harken ye all, for these are the commandments of the workplace:

🔹 1. Thou shalt not blame the office equipment for thine own mistakes.
🔹 2. Thou shalt not steal thy coworker’s victuals from the fridge.
🔹 3. Thou shalt not hog the coffee machine, for it is meant to be shared.
🔹 4. Thou shalt not forget to take a break, for burnout is not a badge of honor.
🔹 5. Thou shalt not use “reply all” unless absolutely necessary, for it is a great annoyance to thy coworkers.
🔹 6. Thou shalt not leave the printer jammed, for it is a sin against productivity.
🔹 7. Thou shalt not gossip, for it breeds negativity and erodes trust.
🔹 8. Thou shalt not be afraid to ask for help, for it is a sign of strength, not weakness.
🔹 9. Thou shalt not forget to celebrate accomplishments, for it fosters a positive workplace culture.
🔹 10. Thou shalt not neglect thyself, for self-care is essential to being a good coworker and leader.
🔹 11. Thou shalt not take oneself too seriously, for humor and laughter are the glue that binds a team together.

Let us know, what are some of your commandments to live by in the workplace? Share them in the comments below and let’s keep the conversation going!

First Published on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7041371704136224768/


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