94% of employees would stay longer at a company if it invested in their career growth @upleashed #upleashed #linkedin

Understanding the Impact of Training and Development on Employee Turnover

Staff turnover refers to the rate of employees leaving and being replaced within a particular timespan. High turnover rates can be pricey and unsettling, affecting team spirit, productivity, and the firm’s public image. πŸ­πŸ’‘

One crucial element affecting turnover is the lack of opportunities for career progression. According to a LinkedIn report, a whopping 94% of employees indicated they’d stick around longer if the company invested in their career development. This makes Training & Development (T&D) a pivotal strategy for leaders to retain talent. Offering learning opportunities signals to your staff that their professional advancement is valued, thereby boosting job satisfaction, engagement, and loyalty. πŸ’ΌπŸš€

Action Plan to Minimise Staff Turnover via Training & Development:

Identify Needs and Set Clear Goals: Kick off by understanding the skills, knowledge, and competencies your team requires to meet both present and future business objectives. Use methods like employee surveys, skills matrix tools, performance reviews, and one-to-one discussions to identify these needs. Then, set transparent goals for your T&D scheme. πŸŽ―πŸ“Š

Design and Implement Training Programmes: Develop training that addresses the identified needs. This could include technical training, leadership development, or soft skills improvement. Consider a blend of training methods such as workshops, e-learning, mentorship, and on-the-job training. πŸ‹οΈβ€β™€οΈπŸ“š

Involve Staff in the Planning Process: Let your team contribute to their own development. This inspires them to take ownership of their learning and makes the training more pertinent to their needs and goals. πŸ€πŸ—£οΈ

Continuous Learning Culture: Foster a culture where ongoing learning is cherished. This might include frequent learning and development sessions, a resource library, or allowances for external courses and conferences. πŸŒ±πŸ“ˆ

Link Training to Career Progression: Show how T&D opportunities correlate with potential career paths in the company. This can motivate staff to engage in training, seeing a clear connection between their development and future within the firm. πŸ”—πŸ‘©β€πŸ’Ό

Measure and Adjust: After rolling out the programme, evaluate its effectiveness. Are you noticing increased job satisfaction and lower turnover? Seek feedback from your team about the training and areas for improvement. Remember, T&D isn’t a one-time affair but a continuous journey. πŸ”„πŸ’Ό

To sum up, as a potential leader, your role in providing comprehensive T&D opportunities can significantly shape staff turnover. Investing in your team’s development will likely enhance job satisfaction and engagement, thereby increasing retention. πŸš€πŸ’Ό

Linkedin Source (a really good read!): https://learning.linkedin.com/resources/workplace-learning-report-2018?src=li-scin&veh=7010d000001BicLAASv2&cid=7010d000001BicLAAS&bf=1

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