Mastering Motivation Tips and tricks for keeping your team engaged and inspired

Mastering Motivation Tips and Tricks for Keeping Your Team Engaged and Inspired.

Motivating Team Members: It’s not just about the moneyπŸ’° When it comes to motivating team members, many people believe that it’s a mystery. πŸ˜• However, the truth is, it’s not. In fact, the research on motivation is pretty clear. What works best is not money πŸ’° or similar tangible incentives. Believe it or not, sometimes those can be seen as bribes instead of thank yous. What your team really wants doesn’t cost a penny. πŸ’· The key to motivation won’t break your budget. That’s because motivation is more about behaviours and your understanding of relationships instead of things you give people.

Here are four great examples of behaviours that can build motivation in your team: 😊

Offer clarity in terms of performance expectations 🎯
The first step to motivating your team is to provide them with clarity in terms of performance expectations. Always reduce ambiguity. When communicating in any way, strive to add clarity not ambiguity. Do this by repeating yourself, asking them to repeat back to you, and allowing time for questions. When they walk away, if they’re unsure of expectations, they will become frustrated and lose motivation. πŸ’ͺ

Do what you say you will do πŸ™Œ
To motivate others, they must trust you, and nothing explains the foundation of trust better than walking the talk. When your team sees you consistently do, that which you said you would do, they will feel much more obliged to do the same. 🀝

Give employees a voice πŸ—£οΈ
Make sure you give employees a voice. Voice refers to genuine input on decisions. When your team believes they’re your partners, they experience motivation. If they feel simply dictated to, they’ll detach, and motivation will suffer. Take the time to talk with them in a consultative fashion for the most important decisions. When they feel they’ve honestly been heard, they will feel motivated to back your decisions with much more conviction. πŸ—³οΈ

Consult with real people, not just human resources 🀝
Take the time to see each team member as a real person, with the state interest and talents. When you can easily address their hobbies or even their family member’s names in conversation, they’ll notice. And as a result, they’ll feel part of a team that matters. They’ll be more motivated. 😊

In conclusion, motivating team members isn’t a mystery. It’s about understanding individuals and the ingredients of great relationships. Follow these tips and you’ll start to see that motivation isn’t about giving people things. It’s about building trust, providing clarity, and giving your team a voice. Remember, the key to motivation won’t break your budget. πŸ’·

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