From Good to Great Why effective communicators listen more than they speak

From Good to Great: Why Effective Communicators Listen More Than They Speak

👂🗣️ Have you ever heard the saying, “God gave us two ears and one mouth for a reason?” It’s true! Listening is essential for effective communication, but too often, we spend more time talking than listening. 😄

Let me share a little-known communication secret with you. The best communicators listen more than they speak. 🤫 When you become a good listener, you gain incredible benefits, such as better understanding of others, saving time by reducing communication errors, and building stronger relationships by making people feel heard. These are amazing benefits, and the best part is that they’re free, as long as you know how to listen effectively. 🌟

Here are some golden rules followed by all great listeners. Firstly, don’t multitask! Multitasking splits your attention and makes it impossible to have a breakthrough moment. 🚫 Instead, put down any other work and focus entirely on the person speaking, giving them your full, undivided attention.

Secondly, body language is key. Use appropriate body language, including facing the speaker squarely, maintaining eye contact, showing interest by nodding and smiling, and avoiding negative use of your hands and arms. These gestures will put the speaker at ease and show them that you’re genuinely listening. 👥

Thirdly, avoid judging or forming your response immediately in your mind. Instead, strive to understand what the speaker is saying and pay attention to their subtle changes in tone and vocabulary. You might be surprised by the meaningful nuances you can pick up! 😊

Fourthly, take quick notes to help you remember important points. This not only saves you from relying on memory but also shows the speaker that you care and are actively listening. 📝

Lastly, summarize what you heard, ask clarifying questions and confirm your understanding. This simple technique makes the speaker feel heard and understood, and also helps you internalize their message. 🔍💬

Effective communication is not just about how you express yourself, but also about how you listen to others. By becoming a better listener, you’ll have an edge in building strong relationships and succeeding in your personal and professional life. So why not give it a go and start today?

First Published on LinkedIn:

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