A toxic work environment can poison the soul and erode the spirit Get Out!

A Toxic Work Environment Can Poison The Soul and Erode The Spirit. Get Out!

💼🤢 A toxic work environment can poison your soul and erode your spirit. When you are surrounded by negativity, mistrust, and backstabbing, it is easy to start feeling drained and demoralised. No job is worth sacrificing your mental and emotional well-being for. It is important to recognise the signs of a toxic workplace and take action to protect yourself. Speak up if you can, and do not be afraid to seek help or look for a healthier work environment.

First Published on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7051506970553409536/

 #ToxicWorkEnvironment #MentalHealthMatters #WorkplaceWellness #PositiveVibesOnly #upleashed

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